The Comparison of Two Earthquakes in Antiquity: The Earthquakes of Gediz/Hermos Valley (17 AD) and Antakya/Antiocheia (115 AD)
Chapter from the book:
Selected Papers in the Field of History- II.
The 17 AD Hermus (Gediz) Valley and 105 AD Antiocheia earthquakes are among the biggest earthquakes of the Roman period in terms of both their severity and the human loss they caused. For this reason, the ancient historians provide more detailed information about these earthquakes. Tacitus in his relatively detailed description stated that the 17 BC earthquake caused the destruction of at least 12 large cities along the Hermos River valley, mainly Sardis (Manisa/Salihli) and Magnesia (Manisa), and that Tiberius helped these cities to be restored after the earthquake, including tax exemption. Authors such as Pliny, Strabo, Cassius Dio, Seneca and Velleius Paterculus also provide brief information about this earthquake. Apart from these authors, there are also inscriptions honoring Tiberius for his post-earthquake assistance and numismatic sources as well as archaeological evidence of construction activities. On the other hand, the earthquake of 115 AD Antiocheia was also severe and caused great loss of life and property in the surrounding cities, especially in Antioch. Although the number of ancient authors mentioning this earthquake is few, Cassius Dio makes the most vivid and detailed description of ancient earthquakes about the severity of this earthquake, the loss of life and property and the geographical changes it caused and the topographic damage. Johannes Malalas, who used a local chronicler like Cassius Dio, who probably lived close to the earthquake period, detail the restoration work of Trajan, who experienced the earthquake in the city, in Antioch. The reason for comparing these two earthquakes in this study is that the intensity of both earthquakes and their political and socio-cultural consequences are similar.