The Effect of Patient Safety Culture and Reflectivity on Quality of Patient Care
Today, the environmental conditions, technology, types of diseases, spreading rates and human, social and economic effects of health institutions are changing at a dizzying pace and becoming more complex and more uncertain. This state of change and uncertainty can be faster and more devastating than in the past. This situation forces health institutions to review their working conditions and systems, change and innovate. It has become a necessity to continuously improve the patient safety culture and patient care quality among the development and adaptation efforts of health institutions. In this book, the variables of patient safety culture in general; patient care quality variables of team climate, safety climate, job satisfaction, stress perception, management perceptions and working conditions; It is aimed to determine whether the reflectivity dimension has a mediating role in the effect of interpersonal quality, technical quality, managerial quality and environmental quality. In the study, it was aimed to determine whether the effect of patient safety culture on patient care quality and reflectivity and the perceptions of healthcare professionals regarding patient safety culture, patient care quality and reflectivity differ according to demographic characteristics. 718 healthcare professionals working in public and private healthcare institutions across Turkey participated in the research. Model 4 mediation method developed by Hayes was used to test the research hypotheses. As a result of the research; It has been seen that patient safety culture has a positive effect on patient care quality and reflectivity. Reflectivity affects the quality of patient care. The mediating role of reflectivity in the effect of patient safety culture on patient care quality has been determined. In addition, it has been observed that there are statistically significant differences in patient safety culture, patient care quality and reflectivity perception levels of healthcare professionals according to the variables of gender, geographical region, work sector, profession, position and professional seniority.