Renewable Energy-Driven Competitiveness and Strategies

Emre Demir
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Ozan Bahar
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University


This study examines the impact of renewable energy on competitiveness in the tourism sector within a theoretical framework. Considering the transformation of contemporary competition dynamics, it develops the "renewable energy-driven tourism competitiveness model," which explains how renewable energy sources contribute to competitive strength in the industry. The model enables a reconceptualization of competitiveness from a resource-based perspective and provides a theoretical roadmap for tourism businesses to shape their advantages through renewable energy. By addressing the interaction between renewable energy, the tourism sector, and competitiveness through an interdisciplinary approach, this study introduces a new theory of competitiveness to the literature.

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How to cite this book

Demir, E. & Bahar, O. (2025). Renewable Energy-Driven Competitiveness and Strategies. Özgür Publications. DOI:



March 29, 2025

