An Evaluation on the Role of Migration in the Development of Cities
Chapter from the book:
Current Urban Research.
Migration is the beginning of a new life that changes people's lives. Sometimes it is done in accordance with people's wishes and sometimes it is done involuntarily against their will. People can migrate to different cities for many reasons such as social, economic and cultural. Migration is usually done from underdeveloped cities to developed cities with the hope of improving living conditions. This situation causes the population in developed cities to increase even more and the population in underdeveloped cities to decrease even more. Migration movements, whether from cities in different countries or between cities in the same country, can have effects on the cities to which they migrate and the cities to which they migrate. Population can be expressed as a power in the development of cities. However, this power must be balanced. A population greater than the population that the city can handle can cause infrastructure and superstructure problems in the city. The migration action carried out on the capacity of the cities can make it difficult to meet the expectations of both the people living in the city and the immigrants who come to the city. This study was prepared to provide comments and suggestions by addressing the factors that Syrian migration in particular caused in the development of cities in Turkey. Literature review and observation were used as methods in the study. The findings of the study show that while migration has positive repercussions in cities that are in the development stage and need population, it causes different problems in cities with a large population.