The Example of Yusufeli Dam in The Transformation of Urban Politics
Chapter from the book: Yılmaz, V. (ed.) 2024. Current Urban Research.

Hatice Pehlevan
Hayrettin Özler
Kütahya Dumlupınar University


Studies about negative social effects of involuntary displacement which is a result of development-induced mega projects and the ways how these effects can be handled are growing nowadays. The obligation to consider energy production project beyond their economical development perspective in relation to their scope and timeliness is apparent from global urban social movements to administrative issues. The changing effect of urban policies between society and politics opens the door to possibilities of transformation of politics that cannot be explained with a certain objectivity. Politics and its opposite formation depoliticisation are the different extremes of this transformation. Urban projects and social attitudes towards these projects, which help to explain political transformations at the urban scale, can reveal the extremes of politics. Inspired by existing depoliticisation and politicisation approaches to the conflict of politics and the political, this article is based on a case study in Yusufeli district of Artvin province. It aims to reveal the dynamics that cause the transformation of urban politics with the support of post-political theory, which includes politicisation and depoliticisation. For this purpose, the theory of the study was tested in practice through interviews conducted in the field research and various news and interviews. The interview data obtained were analysed by using critical discourse method through Maxqda data analysis software and explained in meaningful patterns.

How to cite this book

Pehlevan, H. & Özler, H. (2024). The Example of Yusufeli Dam in The Transformation of Urban Politics. In: Yılmaz, V. (ed.), Current Urban Research. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 30, 2024