Academic Research in Physical Education and Sport

Vahdet Alaeddinoğlu (ed)
Atatürk University
Buket Sevindik Aktaş (ed)
Erzurum Technical University
Elanur Siren (ed)
Bitlis Eren University


Physical education and sport is one of the basic elements that develop the physical, mental and social aspects of human life. Throughout history, the importance of physical education and sport has always been emphasised in line with the goals of societies to raise healthy individuals and to improve the quality of life of individuals. In this context, academic research plays a critical role in discovering new knowledge in the field of physical education and sport, improving current practices and increasing the awareness of society in this field.

In recent years, physical education and sport sciences address a wide range of topics with a multidisciplinary approach. Researches utilising different disciplines such as physiology, psychology, educational sciences, sociology and even engineering reveal the richness and depth of this field. In particular, topics such as performance analysis in sport, athlete health, training science, motor skill development and lifelong effects of physical activity have attracted the attention of the academic world and significant progress has been made in these areas.

However, the social effects of physical education and sport are increasingly becoming a research topic. Issues such as the role of sport in strengthening the social bonds of individuals, its potential to provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities, the empowerment of women through sport and the acquisition of physical activity habits in children at an early age once again reveal the social importance of this field. This type of research not only improves the lives of individuals, but also serves the purpose of increasing the overall health level and social cohesion of societies.

Academic studies in physical education and sport provide valuable information for practitioners and decision makers. For example, teachers and coaches can design more effective education and training programmes thanks to the findings from academic research, while policy makers can more consciously implement the necessary regulations to improve public health and make sport more accessible. From this perspective, the role of academic studies that bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and practical application in maximising the individual and societal benefits of sport cannot be overstated.

This work aims to provide an in-depth review of academic research in the field of physical education and sport. This study, which includes original research on various topics, aims to both contribute to the academic world and guide practitioners in the field. At the same time, we believe that this work will be a valuable resource for students, academics and professionals interested in physical education and sport sciences.

We would like to thank all the researchers, authors and editors who contributed to the preparation of this work. We are also grateful to all institutions and organisations that supported the realisation of this study. We hope that this work will contribute to a healthier and happier future for both individuals and societies by increasing the knowledge in the field of physical education and sports.

How to cite this book

Alaeddinoğlu, V. & Aktaş, B. S. & Siren, E. (eds.) (2024). Academic Research in Physical Education and Sport. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 27, 2024

