Exchange Rate Risk Management in Foreign Trade Firms and Case in Gaziantep Industrial Firms

Burcu Buyuran
Gaziantep University


Foreign trade in general meaning requires good’s or service’s translation between countries and the sum of export and import. Foreign trade, especially export increases with balancing exchange rate movements. Exchange rate’s imbalanced appreciates and depreciates arises exchange rate risk. Exchange rate risk is defined as an affirmative or adverse change of local currency values to foreign currency with various factors such as politics, balance of payments deficits. Exchange rate risk separates into three groups like transaction risk, translation (account risk) risk, and economic risk. Exchange rate risk management especially occurs in foreign trade firms are all of the operation to minimize or absolutely destruct exchange rate risks, consist in firms. In exchange rate risk management there are used internal and external hedging techniques to hedge from this risk. The aims of this thesis are to find out the effects of exchange rate risks to firms and to expose techniques to minimizquestionnaire study was done with the firms in  Organized Industrial Zones in Gaziantep. This questionnaire study based on 100 firms selected randomly from 508 firms in Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone. With the results of this questionnaire there are made sum up the situation and determined firms behaviors and perception to exchange rate risk and solution manual was proposed how to make for exchange rate risk.  

How to cite this book

Buyuran, B. (2024). Exchange Rate Risk Management in Foreign Trade Firms and Case in Gaziantep Industrial Firms. Özgür Publications. DOI:



December 27, 2024

