Use of Digital Channels in Disaster Period from Disaster Communication Framework; an Analysis on Universities
Chapter from the book:
New Media Research: Language, Image, Phenomena, Technology, Disinformation.
World history has hosted devastating disasters from the past to the present and has experienced interrelated processes. When the concept of disaster is classified as antecedent, moment of disaster and after, it emerges as a whole of multi-component and intricate relations. Disaster communication comes first among these relations. The concept of communication constitutes an important step at the point of directing the masses and meeting the information demands. The disasters experienced have a direct effect on the emergence of crises and the correct use of communication concepts in this crisis environment on public, civil, official and disaster survivor groups. The transfer of public services to the citizens, the demands of the citizens and the transmission of up-to-date information to the buyers are among the most basic requirements in a crisis. With the integration of technological developments into our daily lives, the correct transmission of information and transmission opportunities have diversified significantly. It is seen that institutions use digital opportunities within the scope of providing communication with individuals during crisis and disaster periods and can reach mass effects as a result of this opportunity. In this study, the contents published on the official web pages of the universities affiliated to the Thrace University Association during the disaster period were examined. The population of the research consists of 129 public universities subject to the Higher Education Institution. The sample of the research consists of Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Kırklareli University, Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Trakya University. The limitations of the study are the posts made by institutions on their official web pages between 06.02.2023 and 27.02.2023 and the inability to reach the number of views / reads of 2 news on the Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University website. A total of 83 shares were analyzed under 4 categories using content analysis technique. These categories were determined as project/activity, condolences, informative content and other. On the official web pages, the least content was shared in the condolence category and the most sharing was made in the project/activity category.