Multifactor Leadership in Coaches
Chapter from the book:
Research on Sport Sciences.
Today, the importance of sports has been understood in many ways. While this situation reveals the importance of coaches, it has also shown the necessity of personality traits and the way these traits are applied. In our study, primarily the importance of trainers is emphasized. Then, the benefits of being a leader are explained and finally detailed with leadership styles and approaches. Our aim is to investigate the effects of coaches on athletes and teams and to reveal what these effects can be by scanning the literature. In our research, first of all, the positive and negative aspects of focusing on the success of the athlete alone or contributing to his personal development have been set out. In this sense, leadership characteristics were examined, leadership approaches and styles were examined. As a result, the point we have reached is how important the coaches are not only for the athletes or teams they train, but also for each individual they come into contact with. It is for this reason that; It would be right for the coaches to work with this awareness and stability at all times, and move hand in hand with themselves and with other people or organizations they are in contact with, without only being a focus of success. In this process, working non-stop for their individual development and providing all kinds of benefits should be their primary goal. The most important point for this is that it will be most appropriate for everyone to use a behavior style that is suitable for both their personalities and the branch they are working in.