Digital Marketing Mix and Branding
Chapter from the book:
Digital Marketing Management.
Digitalization has transformed traditional marketing approaches and led to comprehensive and radical changes in the branding and management strategies of businesses. The digital marketing mix redefines the elements of product, price, place, promotion, process, people and physical evidence on online platforms, offering businesses the opportunity to reach a wide target audience quickly and effectively. In this context, the integrated use of digital marketing tools has become a fundamental element of the branding process. Effective management of the digital marketing mix provides a significant competitive advantage in the branding process. Using digital tools with the right strategies enables brands to create permanent brand values that strengthen customer loyalty while increasing their awareness. The opportunities offered by digitalization accelerate and deepen branding processes. However, brands must also consider new generation consumer expectations such as digital ethics, data security and sustainability in this process. These approaches both increase the effectiveness of digital marketing and support the long-term success of brands. Therefore, this study has been prepared to provide information about digital marketing mix and branding.