Concept Design and Illustration in Visual Storytelling Processes
Chapter from the book:
Illustration as Visual Communication.
In visual storytelling processes, concept design and illustration form the visual foundations of the story in creative projects, deepening the emotional and aesthetic dimensions of the narrative. While concept design frames the world of the story, illustration elaborates this frame and offers a visual experience that engages the viewer in the narrative. In this context, the relationship between concept design and illustration is an essential connector that ensures visual integrity and coherence in creative projects. Visual storytelling aims not only to show the story but also to enrich it emotionally and conceptually. While concept design creates the aesthetic and thematic structure of the story, illustration adds new layers to the story in the process of visualizing the narrative. With the development of digital technologies and creative industries, these two disciplines offer a strong example of collaboration, especially in areas such as animation, game design and advertising. In this process, the guidance of concept design, combined with the detailing power of illustration, offers a rich visual narrative to the audience.
The view that illustration is not only a final product but also a creative way of thinking and designing is the starting point of this study. The strategic framework of concept design and the emotional and aesthetic contributions of illustration come together to enable new narrative forms in visual storytelling processes.