Reflections of the Concept of Psychological Capital in the Turkish Sample and New Research Opportunities
Chapter from the book:
Academic Research and Evaluations in the Field of Social Sciences-III.
This study analyzes the concept of psychological capital, introduced with the rise of positive psychology, based on research conducted within the Turkish context. The primary objective is to examine the development of the concept in local literature and identify overlooked research gaps. It is expected that this study will provide guidance for future research on the subject. The analysis shows that the most influential variables in increasing psychological capital are organizational justice, organizational support, self-evaluations, and authentic leadership. Furthermore, higher levels of psychological capital have been more frequently associated with variables such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance, emotional labor, organizational citizenship behavior, authentic leadership, employee voice, organizational identification, and work engagement. However, the relationship between psychological capital and variables such as job embeddedness, adaptive performance, inclusive leadership, job crafting, organizational trust, psychological well-being, person-organization fit, problem-solving skills, thriving at work, intrapreneurship, organizational learning, synergy, entrepreneurial orientation, and flow experience has received limited attention in the local literature. Future studies should address these gaps to enhance the understanding of psychological capital. Additionally, examining the mediating roles of variables such as work engagement, employee well-being, organizational socialization, perceived stress, psychological ownership, and psychological safety in the antecedents and outcomes of psychological capital is recommended. This could offer a more comprehensive perspective on the construct.