Reality Technology in Tourism
Chapter from the book:
Tourism and Digital Marketing (Theory and Applications).
Developments in technology have started to manifest themselves in many sectors. Especially sectors where human relationships are at the fore front and are experience-based have started to adapt the conveniences provided by technology to themselves. The studies conducted in the field of information technology have brought innovations that can change the perception of reality. One of these innovations is also taking its place as reality technologies. As components of reality technologies, augmented reality (AR), which places virtual objects into the real world, virtual reality (VR), which operates in dependently of the physical world with its own rules and functions, mixed reality (MR), which is the combination of the physical and virtual worlds, and the umbrella term extended reality (XR), which encompasses all these components, are presented to practitioners. Although these Technologies have gone through a development phase in terms of cost, energy efficiency, and visualquality, reality applications have started to be used in the tourism sector in an informative, educational, experience-creating, and entertainment-enhancingmanner. These technologies, which create a significant advantage in over coming potential obstacles in tourism, will be used more effectively in the future with the integration of artificial intelligence.