Cyber Slacking
Chapter from the book:
Organizational Behaviour.
Developments in technology also bring about significant changes in work life. Especially the conveniences provided as a result of developments in information systems provide significant benefits for organizations and employees. The widespread use of computers and the internet in work life, in addition to providing benefits, can also lead to negative workplace behaviors. Cyberloafing is the access of employees to social media and other websites using computers, smartphones and internet technologies during work hours for personal or non-work reasons. Cyberloafing is a set of behaviors that can lead to both beneficial and harmful results. While it negatively affects the efficiency and workforce of employees, it can also contribute to employees' socialization, relaxation, learning new things and developing their creativity. For this reason, it is important to analyze cyberloafing well and to evaluate the effects of these behaviors comprehensively by organizations. In this book section, the concept of cyberloafing is discussed, Cyberloafing Behaviors are classified, and the reasons, benefits and harms of cyberloafing are included. The study constitutes an important resource on cyberloafing and is thought to guide future research.