Organizational Behaviour
Dear Readers,
In today's rapidly changing business world, the success of organizations is not limited to technical skills and financial resources, but also becomes closely related to the correct management of the human factor. At this point, the importance of the field of "Organizational Behavior" emerges in order to understand the complex structure of organizations and effectively manage employee behavior. This book aims to present you the concepts that form the cornerstones of the field of "Organizational Behavior" by blending them with new approaches that have emerged in today's dynamic business environment.
In our book, we examine in depth the section of Basic Concepts of Organizational Behavior, which is necessary to understand the basic dynamics of organizations, the section of Organizational Development: Concepts, Approaches and Future Trends, which is necessary to adapt to the changing business world, and then the topics of Organizational Communication and Organizational Power and Politics, which are necessary for organizations to function effectively. While addressing the section of Organizational Commitment to understand and increase employees' commitment to the organization, we also aim to draw a framework for our readers to benefit from with Organizational Stress and Coping Methods, which are an inevitable part of business life. While drawing attention to the issues of Negotiation - Organizational Conflict and Solution Methods in order to manage the relationships within the organization healthily, we address the issue of Organizational Citizenship in order to contribute to the ethical and social responsibility awareness of organizations. With our belief in the importance of learning organizations, after examining the issue of Organizational Learning, we offer our readers an up-to-date and practical perspective by focusing on issues such as Silent Resignation, Nepotism, Workplace Discourtesy, The Hidden Collapse of Modern Work Life: Boreout, Crab Basket Syndrome, Organizational Whistleblowing and Cyber Loafing, which are frequently encountered in today's working life.
This book not only conveys theoretical information, but also serves as a practical guide for you to produce solutions to real problems encountered in organizations. We believe that it will be a valuable resource for everyone who wants to understand the functioning of organizations and manage the human factor effectively, from academics to students, from managers to human resources experts.
We hope that our book will be useful to you and contribute to your success in organizations.
Best Regards,
Editor Dr. Lecturer Vildan Bayram
Editor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzu Özkanan