Livestock in Türkiye on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic
Chapter from the book:
Özbek Çifçi,
A 100-Year Panorama of the Turkish Economy II.
Compared to other commercial and industrial activities, the livestock sector has a very different structure due to the production of primary consumer goods. In this respect, the livestock sector has a strategic importance for the food supply security of countries. While the inadequacy of the food supply in a country is seen as an important indicator of fragility, the fact that its production is in a position to meet domestic demand is seen as an indicator of prosperity. From an economic perspective, the livestock sector, which supports national income and rural development by providing important inputs to many sectors, is also very important in terms of the rural-urban migration balance within the country. While livestock reduces the rate of internal migration and provides employment in rural areas, it also has social functions such as preventing unplanned urbanization and intense population pressure. Industrialized agriculture and livestock help eliminate differences in development levels between regions. The aim of this study, which investigates the potential of the livestock sector in Türkiye, is to reveal the development and place of livestock in Türkiye and to examine the types of livestock farming carried out from the early years of the Republic to the present day. The conditions for its decreasing effect on prices or the reasons for the increasing trend of price movements will be examined in the context of subsidies made by the state. In addition, factors that directly or indirectly affect meat prices; feed industry, distribution and transportation, optimum business sizes, and the status of sectoral innovations will be tried to be explained.