The 100-Year Course of Poverty in Türkiye
Chapter from the book:
A 100-Year Panorama of the Turkish Economy I.
This chapter examines poverty in Türkiye from the early years of the Republic to the beginning of the 21st century. In the fırst part, this chapter looks at changes in national income and the distribution of income across sectors to assess poverty. The second part examines the findings of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) poverty data. In Türkiye, poverty was perceived as a rural problem for many years and was not a priority for governments. The state's attitude toward poverty focused on keeping peasants in the villages rather than providing solutions. Policies aimed at preventing the disintegration of villages led to the neglect of the urban poor until the 1980s. The impact of industrialization between 1960 and 1980 and neoliberal decisions on January 24, 1980, which negatively impacted the agricultural sector, resulted in a rapid migration from rural areas to cities. As a result, urban poverty became too significant to ignore, forcing governments to take action. Due to insufficient measures and reliance on charity and volunteerism to combat poverty, almost one in three people in Türkiye in 2001 were unable to meet their basic needs. After 2001, the issue of 'social inclusion,' encompassing all citizens, gained political attention during the European Union integration process and the IMF's structural reforms, leading to the development of various but limited social policies. While poverty rates have declined due to these policies and economic growth after 2002, poverty remains a major problem in Türkiye today. The 100-year history of poverty in Türkiye provides evidence that growth-oriented economic policies and 'voluntary' social policies have been inadequate in addressing poverty.