A Comparatıve Perspectıve to Health Sciences in the 21st Century: Concept, Method and Observation
Health is one of the basic human rights that will remain current as long as human being exists. Protection and promotion of health and prevention of advanced problems are among the main objectives of health services and require a multidisciplinary, holistic and humanistic approach. Considering the problems such as the COVID-19 epidemic, global warming and climate changes, which
have global effects in our age; the importance of sustainable health and health services is even better understood. This work, in which health professionals from different disciplines come together with scientific, current and innovative perspectives on the concept of health in all its aspects, is an original
guide for academics, clinicians and students. I would like to thank all our authors who contributed with their valuable knowledge and experience to the book “A Comparative View on Health Sciences in the 21st Century: Concept, Method and Observation” which was prepared with great devotion.
Hoping to be useful in providing high quality health services…
With all respect.