Social Studies Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes Towards Purchasing Geographically Indications Products
Chapter from the book:
Contemporary Educational Administration Practices.
The general purpose of the study is to determine the attitudes of social studies teacher candidates towards purchasing geographically indicated products in terms of different variables. For this purpose, the descriptive scanning method was used as the basic research design in the study. The study group consists of a total of 165 teacher candidates who participated in the research on a voluntary basis and are studying in the social studies education department of the education faculty of a state university. The research data were obtained with the "Personal Information Form" created by the researchers, which included the participants' gender, class and place of residence variables, and the "Attitude Scale Towards Purchasing Geographically Indicated Products" developed by Yüce and Korucuk (2020). The attitude scores of the prospective teachers towards purchasing geographically indicated products were tried to be determined with descriptive statistics. Statistical analyses of the data obtained from the research were conducted using the IBM SPSS program. When the attitude scores of social studies teacher candidates towards purchasing geographically indicated products were examined in general, it was determined that their attitudes towards purchasing geographically indicated products were positive and the attitude level was high. It was determined that there was no significant difference between the gender of social studies teacher candidates and their attitude scores towards purchasing geographically indicated products in the knowledge, emotion and behavior factors and in the overall scale. It was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the grade levels and the attitude scores towards purchasing geographically indicated products in the knowledge, emotion factors and the overall scale in terms of the attitudes of prospective teachers towards purchasing geographically indicated products according to the grade variable, but there was a statistically significant difference in the behavior factor. It was determined that the attitude levels towards purchasing geographically indicated products did not show any significant difference in the knowledge, emotion and behavior factors and the overall scale according to the place of residence variable.