Management in Early Childhood Education
Chapter from the book:
Contemporary Educational Administration Practices.
Preschool education is a fundamental process that supports children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. Success in education depends on effective policies and effective management models designed especially for the early years. In Turkey, this process has undergone a continuous evolution in parallel with social and cultural transformations. Leadership in the management of preschool education plays an important role in ensuring that teachers and other stakeholders contribute to children's development.
Early childhood education, which was limited to institutions focusing on religious education such as Sıbyan schools during the Ottoman period, became a part of modernization efforts after the proclamation of the Republic. Although the number of kindergartens increased with the initiatives taken between 1923 and 1926, a sustainable structure could not be established due to lack of resources. Reforms in the 1980s emphasized the importance of early childhood education, and projects to expand this education gained momentum in the 2000s. In 2012, compulsory education was extended to 12 years, making preschool education more accessible.
Different management models have been adopted in preschool education in Turkey. While the bureaucratic model focuses on ensuring standards through its hierarchical structure, the democratic model encourages the participation of teachers and parents in the process. While the transformational model supports innovative approaches by emphasizing the concept of leadership, the participatory model encourages the participation of all stakeholders in decision-making processes.
In Turkey, where a centralized structure prevails, local needs are ignored in pre-primary education, making it difficult for schools, especially in rural areas, to develop solutions appropriate to their own conditions. In addition, lack of qualified teachers, inadequate professional development opportunities and financing problems negatively affect the quality of education. Access to education and equality of opportunity are also important issues in rural areas.
In addition to maintaining the day-to-day functioning of preschool education institutions, principals are also responsible for creating a vision in education through their leadership skills. Principals' leadership capacity is critical to increase teachers' motivation and encourage innovative approaches. Transformational leadership is an effective way to improve the quality of preschool education by supporting teachers' professional development.
Localization of education is important to better meet regional needs. Resources should be increased and used effectively, teachers' continuous professional development should be supported, family involvement should be increased, and quality standards should be set and regularly monitored. In addition, improving the leadership skills of administrators will improve the quality of education and contribute positively to children's developmental processes.