Comparing Inclusive Education Practices Implemented in Schools According to Stages of Education
Chapter from the book:
Contemporary Educational Administration Practices.
This paper aims to analyse inclusive education applications used in elementary, secondary and high schools and to find whether or not the practices differ according to stages of education. Semi-structured interview technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in this study. 45 school managers working in schools located in Süleymanpaşa district of Tekirdağ in 2022-2023 academic year were interviewed by using the interview form prepared by the researcher and thus inclusive education activities were implemented in schools were researched. The findings obtained were analysed in descriptive analysis method. They were considered separately under the headings of “Inclusive Education Activities Implemented in Elementary Schools”, “Inclusive Education Activities Implemented in Secondary Schools” and “Inclusive Education Activities Implemented in High Schools”, and thus, efforts were made to find whether or not there were any differences between practices of inclusive education at different stages of education. While a great majority of the managers stated their views on inclusive education as “beneficial, necessary and it should be increased” regardless of the stages of education, managers of high schools emphasised the need for conducting activity-based education. While elementary and secondary school managers stressed that activities such as “supportive education and education at home” were done for students with special needs in schools, managers of high schools stated that programmes for individual education should be designed. Managers at all stages of education said in relation to children of families with low socio-economic level that they should be given materialistic and moral support.