Superstructure Material Works on Highways
Chapter from the book:
Innovative and Multidisciplinary Studies in Engineering Practices.
Highways are a large infrastructure element that contains the elements of modern transport networks together. It also includes a set of elements that help transfer in service-oriented studies within the highways themselves. These roads are primarily required to be of high quality in terms of safety, durability and service life. The elements in the superstructure of highways have a greater importance for vehicles and passengers. Superstructure is the integration of road pavements together with infrastructure systems. Superstructure pavements are a road construction element that can absorb traffic loads at the desired level and protect environmental impacts while doing so. Improvements are required in order to provide safety and comfort to the users (freight, passengers ...) more actively in long processes requiring many maintenance and repair that may occur in the highway superstructure. These improvements needed are to make an arrangement according to the results of experimental studies carried out to increase the quality standards of the materials in the highway superstructure. In the light of the data obtained from the experimental studies, it should be ensured that a modern understanding continues in superstructure materials. The continuation of the geometrical studies required for the modernised materials at the same speed will provide integrity in this regard. When the integrity is added to the harmony between each other, the desired requirements for the service and the area will be met. In line with the needs, it has been seen as the first priority of the studies that the building materials meet the requirements in terms of both economy and safety. Environmental impact assessment reports also have the need to implement the issues that need to be taken precautions against the deficiencies in the studies carried out as the guarantee of our future. In order to leave a clean world for the future, carbon footprint emissions should be conveyed in detail as sustainability.
As a result, there are important topics such as building materials, design principles, geometrical standards, environmental impact assessment. What is intended to be explained under these headings is that safety and economic structures have the priority of sustainability.