Physical Education Regulations/Programme of the Ottoman Navy in terms of History of Education THE NAVY'S TERBİYYE-İ BEDENİYYE OF THE REGULATION
Books, which interpret and transfer the collection of information in their own content, are one of the most widely used teaching materials for history, as for every subject. For this reason, whether it is a textbook or an idea or a similar meaning, it has always managed to survive from the past to the present as an important medium.
In this study, the importance of the translation of the Terbiyye-i Bedeniyye Risalesi, which was originally written for the German Navy and is a kind of physical education book, by thinking that it could be useful is emphasised, and the details of the military drills in the book are given, and the original is added at the end of the book.
The implied purpose of the research is actually aimed at introducing the book. Because it is thought that the unearthing of such a work attempts to overlap with the purpose of finding Divan-ı Lügati't Türk, which was found by Ali Emiri among the dusty shelves of the sahaf in the 1915s and reached the present day.
The book in mention was translated into Turkish in 1916 by the then Director of the Naval Petty Officer School, Nail Efendi, and the Assistant Director, Lieutenant Diresel Efendi, and was included in the history of Ottoman education by sending one copy to the Sultan and one copy to the Ministry of Naval Affairs.
Thus, it is hoped that this study will be useful in terms of giving a clue to those who do research in the fields of history of education, military history and physical education, as well as other interested parties. Because with the expression of the work, it would not be wrong to say that the slogan ‘life is movement’ has pushed us towards such purposes.