Positive and Negative Humor Styles: An Examination in Adolescents in Terms of Socio-Demographic Variables
Chapter from the book:
Current Studies in Educational Sciences.
This study aims to examine how humor styles in adolescents differ based on various variables such as gender, birth order, high school entrance exam scores, grade level, school type, and the location of the school. The research is a cross-sectional survey study that aims to describe the current situation. The study was conducted with a total of 565 adolescents, including 300 females and 265 males. The Humor Styles Questionnaire, developed by Martin et al. (2003) and adapted into Turkish culture by Yerlikaya (2003), was used in the research. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 27 software package. The normal distribution of the data was checked through Skewness and Kurtosis values. For variables with two categories, an independent samples t-test was used, while one-way ANOVA was applied for comparisons involving three or more groups, and the LSD test was conducted to identify the source of significant differences. The findings of the study indicate that gender has a significant effect on humor styles. Female adolescents were found to use positive humor styles more frequently compared to males, while male adolescents preferred negative humor styles more often. Regarding the birth order variable, adolescents in the first three birth positions had significantly higher positive humor scores compared to those in the fourth position. Adolescents with high high school entrance exam scores had significantly higher positive humor scores compared to those with moderate and low scores, while no significant differences were found in negative humor scores. Analyses based on school type revealed that students attending Science/Anatolian High Schools and Social Sciences High Schools had significantly higher positive humor scores compared to other high school types, while no significant differences were found in negative humor styles. Additionally, adolescents attending schools located in city centers had higher positive humor scores compared to those studying in towns or rural areas.In conclusion, humor styles in adolescents are influenced by factors such as gender, socio-cultural context, and academic achievement.