An Evaluation on the Copies of the 15th and 16th Centuries of Kulliyat-i -Tarikhi
Chapter from the book:
Kırcı Çevik,
Research in Social Sciences - II.
Kulliyat-ı-Tarikhi has the feature of being a corpus of important history books of the period. It is a historical work prepared by the period historian Hâfız-ı Abru (d. 1430) upon the request of the Timurid ruler Sultan Shahrukh (d. 1447). There are one illustrated and three unpictured copies of the work, which is handled within the scope of the illustrated history tradition, examples of which have begun to be given. Only two of the unpainted copies are illuminated. Only one copy, without illumination and incomplete, has survived. The illustrated copy of Kulliyat-ı-Tarikhi is currently in the Directorate of National Palaces of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, registered in TSM. B.282. Other copies are preserved in Istanbul Süleymaniye Library, Damat İbrahim Pasha (Nr. 919), Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha (Nr. 703) and Nuruosmaniye Library (Nr. 3267). The lack of many copies of the work mentioned in our study, as a world history, indicates that it was not adopted and gained popularity after the completion of Kulliyat-ı-Tarikhi, while it also shows that the text was actually written to meet the interests and purposes of Sultan Shahruh. In our study, the content of Kulliyat-ı-Tarikhi,the preparation process of the illustrated and unillustrated copies, and the codicological features will be evaluated.