Determining the Relationship Between Financial Performance and Stock Returns in BIST Main Metal (XMANA) Industry Sector Companies Using MCDM Techniques
Chapter from the book:
Current Research on Capital Markets.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of companies in the BIST Primary Metal Industry sector based on selected indicators using integrated SWARA, ARAS, WASPAS, and MAIRCA methods. The 2022 data of companies in the Primary Metal Industry sector were examined using multi-criteria decision-making methods. According to the results of the SWARA method, the most important performance criterion for these companies was identified as PD/DD. Additionally, the alternatives were ranked using ARAS, WASPAS, and MAIRCA methods, and according to the final decision made using the BORDA COUNT method, CELHA, CEMAS, and CEMTS were found to be the top three financially successful companies, while CELHA, CEMTS, and BRSAN were identified as the top three companies in terms of stock returns. Moreover, the study examined whether there is a significant relationship between the BORDA COUNT method performance ranking and the return ranking using Spearman correlation analysis. A very low and weak relationship was observed between the two rankings. However, the value obtained from the correlation analysis was not statistically significant at any level of significance, indicating that the relationship between these two rankings might be coincidental.