The Importance of Independent Fiscal Institutions in Fiscal Governance
Chapter from the book:
Selected Public Finance Issues in Türkiye.
The rules followed during the decision-making process in budgeting and the institutions involved in this process are important determinants of fiscal performance. Since the 1990s, fiscal governance instruments such as medium-term budgetary framework, fiscal rule, and independent fiscal institutions have taken place in public financial management. Independent fiscal institutions arenstruments of fiscal governance and aim to make fiscal decisions less politicized. Independent fiscal institutions provide unbiased macroeconomic forecasts, compare and evaluate various fiscal policy alternatives, and monitor the implementation of fiscal rules. This study analyzes the structure of independent fiscal institutions in the European Union member states and the United Kingdom and analyzes their contribution to fiscal governance. In light of the evaluations, it has been observed that independent fiscal institutions and fiscal rules have a complementary relationship and that the approach of fiscal governance yields better results when all instruments are combined with inclusive policies.