Breastfeeding Consultancy in Midwifery
Chapter from the book:
Aydın Doğan,
Current Research on Midwifery and Women's Health.
Two important requirements for healthy growth and development are adequate and balanced nutrition. In this context, breastfeeding meets the essential nutritional needs of food, health, and care. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients and feeding methods for a newborn's healthy growth, and it has the potential to reduce morbidity and mortality rates. The anatomy of the breast, milk production, and breastfeeding functions consist of components such as glandular tissues, milk ducts, the nipple, and fatty tissue. Breast milk is an important source of nutrition and immune support for infants. Breastfeeding also offers benefits to mothers, including postpartum recovery and reduced risks of certain diseases. Breast milk is examined in three stages: colostrum, transitional milk, and mature milk. Colostrum is a high-protein fluid secreted after birth; transitional milk helps the baby adapt to digestion. Mature milk provides a balanced composition tailored to the baby’s nutritional needs. It is recommended to start breastfeeding within 30 minutes after birth. Babies typically want to nurse every 2-3 hours, and the breastfeeding duration usually lasts 10-20 minutes in the first weeks. The adequacy of breast milk is assessed through the baby's weight gain and frequency of bowel movements. Breastfeeding positions are important for comfort; proper techniques facilitate breastfeeding. Factors influencing breastfeeding include the mother’s health status, the baby’s development, and social support. Common breastfeeding issues include breast engorgement, blockage, and mastitis. Expressing breast milk is vital for mothers who cannot breastfeed; milk can be expressed by hand or with a pump. The expression process should be done regularly and hygienically. Midwives play a crucial role in breastfeeding education, providing support and information to mothers. They enhance motivation by offering emotional support and monitoring the breastfeeding process. Midwife support is critical for a healthy breastfeeding experience.