Factors Affecting the Type of Birth and Fear of Childbirth
Chapter from the book:
Aydın Doğan,
Current Research on Midwifery and Women's Health.
Birth type; They are listed as vaginal birth, assisted vaginal birth and cesarean birth. Although normal birth is the safest choice for mother and baby, the increasing cesarean section rates are noteworthy. Among the reasons for caesarean section, apart from medical reasons, there are safety concerns about normal birth, obstetric trauma, history of caesarean section and the most common fear of birth. Although every birth is a unique experience for mother and baby, it often involves fear. Severe fear is called tokophobia and causes negative consequences for the mother during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. It is seen that spouse and companion support, receiving evidence-based training from health professionals starting from the preconception period, and health literacy in the management of birth type preference and fear of birth have a positive effect. It is observed that pregnant women who receive midwifery training are more likely to cope with the fear of childbirth and, as a result, prefer normal birth.