Migrants in The Context of Othering, Exploitation and Everyday Life Tactics: The Case of Düzce
Turkey, especially since 2011, has been a country where refugees and asylum seekers of Syrian and Iraqi origin, who left their countries due to the civil war they have been through, and people from Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan who migrated due to economic difficulties and political instability have taken refuge, and has become the country that hosts the highest number of asylum seekers in the world. In Düzce, which is close to metropolitan cities such as Ankara and Istanbul, there is a labor shortage in agriculture, livestock, industry, construction and service sectors, and this makes this city a preferred place for work and residence for foreign immigrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan as well as internal immigrants. Like other places of immigration, immigrants coming to Düzce come for the purpose of asylum, as well as for work purposes or for temporary stay in order to pass to Europe. Regardless of their purpose, these immigrants have to work in order to survive. Immigrants, who generally work in informal sectors as unqualified, in intensive labor and low-paid jobs, are exposed to labor exploitation and othering.
This study focus on Syrian male migrants under temporary protection, Iraqi male migrants under international protection and Afghan male migrants who come regularly/irregularly for work or asylum, who come to the province of Düzce located in the northwest of Turkey, in terms of othering, exploitation and everyday life tactics. In this way, the male migrants in Düzce, on the one hand, reveal the othering and exploitation they experience while finding a job, in their working life and in their daily lives, on the other hand, it tried to look at the tactics of clinging to life in the face of these difficulties experienced by the refugee men within the framework of the theories of daily life sociology. In this context, Lefebvre's theory of everyday life, the concepts of strategy and tactics in De Certau's "exploration of everyday life" and the views of symbolic interactionist approach theorists taken into account when interpreting the situation of regular/irregular asylum seekers who are exposed to new social norms and customs of daily life. In addition, the reasons that lead to migrate people who have to leave the place where they live and live for various reasons and live in a place and environment where they are unfamiliar will be emphasized and factors affecting asylum seekers and threats and opportunities faced by refugees in the process of making a decision to migrate, being involved in the migration movement and establishing a new life in the destination tried to be determined, and the tactics used by the refugees against them mentioned.