Using Ethnosport as a Soft Power Element in Diplomacy
Chapter from the book:
Academic Research and Evaluations in the Field of Sports Sciences IV.
Ethnosport, which emerged with the integration of sports and culture, includes games and activities that reflect the cultural heritage of a society and are usually traditionally passed down from generation to generation. Sport, which is seen as an important element in influencing masses in different geographies, is seen as a soft power instrument that states use as a diplomacy tool over time. As it is known, through sports, countries achieve their goals in terms of gaining international prestige, social, economic and political aspects. In this context, it can be said that sports contribute to the interaction between countries. In addition to all these, its activities also contribute to cultural diplomacy. Another sport element within the structure of cultural diplomacy is ethnosport. Ethnosport refers to the traditional sports, games and activities of a particular ethnic group or community. In general, events and festivals using ethnosports serve as a kind of bridge in protecting cultural heritage, increasing understanding between people and international relations. Thanks to ethnosport events; a country contributes to cultural diplomacy by participating in ethnosport festivals organized in other countries or by promoting its own ethnosport events, and thus cultural exchange between people takes place. Cultural diplomacy is a tool used by states to promote their cultural values, improve their relations with other countries and build soft power. In this context, it can be said that countries can benefit from ethnosports in promoting national identity, ensuring peace and cooperation, and revitalizing tourism and economy.