The Effect of Women's Body Perception and Body Image on Food Choice
Chapter from the book:
Current Research on Gastronomy and Culinary Arts-III.
This research examines differences in women's food choices, body perception and body image according to the participants' age, occupation, education level and body type. It was found that the majority of the participants were between the ages of 30-35 and had a bachelor's degree. The majority of participants eat 2 meals a day, and the most consumed food types are vegetables, meat, pastries and salads. Research reveals specific relationships between women's body image and food choice. The majority of participants state that weight sensitivity affects their food choices and that they change their eating habits if they do not like their body shape. It has been observed that appearance and environmental factors, especially media and social pressure, affect food choices. Analyzes based on factors such as age, education level and body type showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the effects of these variables on women's food choice, body perception and body image. However, it has been determined that the level of education has an impact on food choice. The research reveals that women exhibit different eating habits and body perceptions depending on their age, profession, education level and body type. The research emphasizes that women's perceptions of their body shape and weight play a decisive role in their eating habits.