Folklore elements in Hatay/Reyhanlı Circassians in the context of social memory
In the oral tradition environment, folk science, which covers the transfer of Customs and traditions as it is to the next generation, also protects cultural elements that constitute this transfer. Folk science is located at the intersection of many Sciences, which deals with the products in material and spiritual fields. The people who carry the culture go beyond being a human society with this feature. The culture mentioned is a common life of identity that exists in all segments of society with its play, music, tradition and tradition. This common life is examined within the framework of folklore. Folk science is a branch of science that examines the cultural products, oral literature, traditions and customs, beliefs, cuisine, music, plays, transition periods of people living in a country or region and shows their relations with each other, their source, their propagation areas and their interactions.
Hatay is a mosaic city which consists of blending different ethnic structures and beliefs in a single vessel. Hatay has hosted different civilizations in history, increasing its cultural wealth and today it has become a means to be remembered as seven languages. Hatay, which is one of the places where the Mediterranean climate is seen, is home to many kinds of plants and adds richness to its cultural richness as well as its geography. As a result of all these riches, the people of each diaspora settled in the city somehow became part of the mosaic in question. In this study, the period of transition from the folklore elements of Circassians living in Reyhanli district of Hatay, folk poems, folk narratives, stereotypes and the determination of kitchen culture by Field Research and their evaluations are based on the written sources. In this study, consisting of seven basic sections, besides the introduction, conclusion, bibliography and appendices, the scope of the folklore elements and their status in Reyhanli Circassians were investigated.
One of the stops of Circassian people who dispersed from the land of motherland to diaspora was the Reyhanli district of Hatay. There is no Circassian branch living in the district except “Şapsığ and Abzah” from the historical Circassian branches. The elements of folklore which were compiled from the two branches of the name have been forgotten. Circassians who have been living in Reyhanli for more than a hundred years have tried to adhere strictly to the cultures they brought from the Caucasus. Despite the changing world conditions, the skills in preserving cultural identities were observed during the compilation. The commitment of Circassians to the traditions and Customs has been addressed in the light of their products.