Examining Children's Books on Factor which Reduces the Configuration of the Topics
Chapter from the book: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.) 2023. Educational Sciences Research I.

Ayşe Özgül İnce Samur
Bülent Ecevit University


In this study, a total of 20 books, 10 preschool, 5 primary and 5 secondary school, from randomly selected bookstores selling books on the network, were examined in terms of elements (exaggerated curiosity, randomness, emotionality) that weakened the structuring of the subject. In the study, 20 books were analyzed with descriptive analysis method. In the books, the elements that weaken the structuring of the subject were determined, and then frequency tables were made. As a result of the study, it was determined that the items that weakened the subject were mostly included in the pre-school, primary and secondary school books in the 20 books examined. Depending on the results of the study, some suggestions are given.


How to cite this book

İnce Samur, A. Ö. (2023). Examining Children's Books on Factor which Reduces the Configuration of the Topics. In: Baltacı, Ö. (ed.), Educational Sciences Research I. Özgür Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58830/ozgur.pub44.c85



March 24, 2023

