Radiation Physics and Health Effects I
In the Radiation Physics and Health Effects I book, valuable scientific studies were written according to certain criteria and included in 5 chapters in total. Our book Radiation Physics and Health Effects contains very important information covering the research of scientists who are competent in their field. The purpose of creating this book was to collect the experiences and research of scientists working in this field and the new approaches they revealed under one book and present them to the readers. In this context, this book, written in collaboration with scientists working in the field of radiation physics, contains very rich and important topics for the readership. This book was created in line with universal ethical principles, taking into account innovations in science. It is our greatest wish that the book will be an important resource for all scientific readers doing scientific work in the field of radiation physics. It is aimed to prepare the book carefully within the time and possibilities. We would like to thank the publishing house and the chapter authors who contributed to this edition and wish them success in their work.