Increasing Wellness Awareness and Promoting an Active Lifestyle in Female Students: An Experimental Study
Chapter from the book:
New Trends in Tourism.
This study aims to detect the leisure constraints that female students aged between 12 and 17 and to develop methods to increase wellness awareness and overcome intrapersonal leisure constraints among this group
Current study is experimental in nature and involves the combined use of qualitative and quantitative methods. Interview, survey, and observation-based analysis techniques were employed to obtain reliable and valid data using a data triangulation method. Students from different socio-economic levels and personality traits were selected for the study. Qualitative data obtained will be analyzed using the nVivo program, while quantitative data analysis will be carried out using the SPSS software package. Additionally, photos and videos taken during the research will be examined using visual analysis techniques, and researchers' notes will be evaluated using qualitative data analysis software.
The training program has positive influence on overcoming the intrapersonal constraints among female students aged between 12-17. As a result of the training program the wellness awareness among female students has also increased. Additionally, the training program has led to an increase in the knowledge levels of female students in coping with internal barriers.
Results and Suggestions
The theoretical education and physical activities conducted during the project contributed to an increase in the level of physical, psychological, social and mental wellness among female students. Furthermore, it has a positive impact on the development of awareness of recreation, physical activity and healthy eating. In this context, it is recommended to provide recreational education from a young age with the aim of increasing wellness awareness among female students.
The experimental research aiming to increase wellness awareness among female students is limited. This study distinguished itself from previous research with its experimental nature of this research and the contribution to the literature in a niche area.