Educational Games and Development in Children
Chapter from the book:
Scientific Approaches in Sport and Postgraduate Student Research.
Play is all activities that define entertainment, learning and mobility. A child has a creation that is obliged to move and maintain movements at all stages of its development. Games, which have a very important place in children's lives, also appear as a vital task in the development of their lives. We see in scientific studies that games or all physical activities support children in many ways. It supports a versatile development in mental, physiological and social aspects, especially the psychomotor development of children. However, depending on today's technology and technological changes, the understanding of play with children has also shown a great change. In order to prevent the negative situations brought about by this change, new games have been introduced in developed countries, while old games and toys have been taken under protection by organizing them according to the needs of children. In such a case, the games and activities under protection will be transferred from generation to generation as a cultural heritage.
This research has the concern of adding value to the literature in terms of being a detailed compilation study about the concept of children's games and children's development. With this and similar researches, the literature on children's games will be developed and new generation game concepts will be put forward and new programmes for children in different disciplines will be developed.