Brand Addiction
Chapter from the book:
Digitalization and Marketing Research.
Brand addiction is a dimension of consumer-brand relationships and Social Identity Theory. This dimension explains the intense relationship between the consumer and the brand. Brand addiction defined as consumer's psychological state that involves mental and behavioral preoccupation with a particular brand, driven by uncontrollable urges to possess the brand's products, and involving positive affectivity and gratification. Brand addiction dimension mentioned in the literature as both the positive and negative aspects of consumer-brand relationships, and this concept may offer a new dimension to researchers in the field of marketing and consumer behavior. This study has two purposes. First of all, this study tries to explain the conceptual framework of the brand addiction variable and reveals the differences of the variable from other brand related structures. Second of all, this study mentions the brand addiction scale for possible future research related on the variable. In this study, the literature on brand addiction, the conceptual framework of brand addiction, the antecedents and outcomes of brand addiction, brand addiction scale and future studies advices on brand addiction are respectively mentioned.