Work Addiction: A Conceptual Perspective
Chapter from the book:
Selected Articles in the Field of Management and Organization II.
Addiction, which can show itself in different areas and situations, is one of the most important problems of today. This phenomenon, which expresses an individual's uncontrollable desire for an object or action, can be expressed as a disease. Within the scope of this disease, there are addiction types such as gaming addiction, technology addiction, gambling addiction, shopping addiction, and substance addiction. Among these types, substance addiction is considered as a more important type that has been handled from earlier periods, but recently, interest has increased in types that are also expressed as non-substance addiction. This non-substance addiction, which is expressed as a behavioral addiction, includes gambling, shopping, technology, etc. Work addiction, which involves an uncontrollable situation towards work, is one of these behavioral addiction types. Work addiction, which expresses the individual's desire to do work continuously and the inability to control this situation, is the main subject of this study. In this study, it is aimed to provide conceptual information and create awareness about "work addiction", which is often perceived positively due to the fact that it refers to working hard at a job and is not expressed as addiction. In this direction, the concept of work addiction, which is also considered as workaholism in studies, is defined and explained in detail. Afterwards, the difference between the concept of work engagement, which causes semantic confusion in terms of its definition, and work addiction is mentioned. Then, the main components and myths of work addiction are explained. After explaining the relationship between work addiction and other addictions, the symptoms of work addiction are described. Finally, the causes and consequences of work addiction are mentioned, and the study is completed.