Crypto Currency Exchanges (Development and Comparison)
Chapter from the book:
Evolution of Financial Markets IV.
Crypto exchanges can be described as institutions that facilitate the sale of crypto currencies. This study provides information about the emergence and fundamental philosophy of cryptocurrency, the first cryptocurrency exchanges. Crypto exchanges have been classified as centralized and decentralized cryptocurrencies and compared by tabulating their characteristics. Taking into account this basic chart, the top-ranked exchanges were determined, classified and studied by volume of transactions, transaction pairs, number of cryptocurrencies, and exchange points. The data is from bitdegree.org. According to found that the central exchanges are “Binance” and the decentral exchange is “Uniswap v3” and “pancakeswap”. It should be noted that the data is valid for a certain period of time. As it is a rapidly evolving and changing market, changes occurring over time can lead to different results. However, no change in the overall trend is expected.