Determination of Dynamic Parameters of Soils with Dynamic Triaxial Test System
Chapter from the book:
Innovative Research in Geotechnical Engineering.
In order to safely design structures located in earthquake zones, determining the dynamic parameters of the regional soil conditions rigorously and usage these parameters in design calculations has great importance. This is a critical step in civil engineering, because accurate determination of the dynamic properties of soils helps us to understand more precisely the behavior of structures under earthquake effects. This process is a fundamental element in the design of structures that meet structural safety standards and are resistant to earthquake effects. For this reason, dynamic triaxial testing system (TRX) is used to define the dynamic parameters of soils at high deformation levels. With the obtained data, soil behavior during earthquake are determined and are used in designs. Here, dynamic shear modulus-strain and damping ratio curves are obtained. In this study, experiments were performed on undisturbed specimens under different cell pressures using the TRX test system. In the experiments, the loading frequency was set as 1Hz and 10 cycles were performed at each loading to cause the specimen would collapse. In the obtained results, the effect of cell pressure on dynamic parameters was analyzed. It was determined that as the cell pressure increases, the specimen becomes more rigid and affects the strength values.