Resonant Column Testing System and Theory of the Experiment
Chapter from the book:
Innovative Research in Geotechnical Engineering.
Motions such as earthquakes are cyclic dynamic loadings on soils and structures. Therefore, it is important to measure the effects of these motions on soils and structures in order to know the behavior of soils. Determination of dynamic parameters of soils is an important step in identifying their behavior under dynamic loading. In order to determine the dynamic soil parameters, many experimental systems have been developed both in the field and laboratory. Some of these systems are based on empirical relationships, while others model the behavior of the soil under dynamic loading and allow us to reach direct results. One of the test systems used in the laboratory conditions to determine the soil behavior at levels between low and medium shear strain amplitude (γ = 0.0001% - 0.1%) is the Resonant Column test. In this test, a solid or hollow cylindrical soil sample is placed in a triaxial cell and torsional or longitudinal loading is applied to the sample. Cyclic dynamic loading is applied to the soil sample by means of an electric motor or electromagnetic loading system until it reaches the resonant frequency value, and the shear wave velocity and shear modulus values of the soil sample are determined depending on both the soil sample geometry and the test system boundary conditions. Then, the torsional load is cut off on the soil column and it is left to free vibration and the damping ratio value is also determined. There are different Resonant Column test systems that restrict the deformations at the upper or lower end of the soil sample. The most commonly used Resonant Column tests in the literature are those that apply a torsional load to the solid samples from the upper end, the lower end is restrained and a torsional load is applied to the soil. In this study, the resonant column test system is explained and the operating principle and theory of the test system are presented.