Attitudes and Behaviors of Physicians Against the Performance-Based Payment System
Chapter from the book:
International Research in the Field of Health Sciences-V.
Performance is the achievement of a set goal in a system. Successful management of resources in the health sector is possible by making performance measurable. The study aims to reveal the attitudes and opinions of physicians toward this system after the Performance-Based Payment System (PBPS). A systematic compilation method was used in the study. The studies carried out after the transition to the Performance-Based Payment System (PBPS) were discussed in this context. Positive/negative opinions about this system were classified by considering criteria such as the method used in the research and the universe and sample of the study. According to the place where the research was carried out, mainly training and research hospitals were preferred (approximately 42%). According to the opinions of the investigation, about 68% of them stated negative results against the Performance Based Payment System. According to the research method, Data Envelopment Analysis (33%) and SPSS basic tests (33%) were used the most. Generally, negative opinions about PBPS were stated. It has been emphasized that the most common problem encountered is that this system creates more costs, causes inequality in income and unethical behaviors, increases the number of unnecessary surgeries, spares less time for the patient, avoids patients whose treatment is difficult and risky, and is also an obstacle to scientific work and professional development.