ALS Hastalığı Olan Hastanın Gordon’un Fonksiyonel Sağlık Örüntüleri Modeli’ Ne Göre Hemşirelik Bakımı: Olgu Sunumu
Chapter from the book:
Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- IV.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that has been talked about and a lot of research has been done, especially in recent years. ALS, a typical lower and upper motor neuron disease, is a disease that leads to death through a progressive and degenerative process in the first and second motor neurons, which can be explained by not one but many reasons. Although there is no specific type of ALS disease, it can occur all over the world and in people from all walks of life. ALS is a neurodegenerative, progressive disease. In the future, patients also experience muscle weakness and loss of communication. There is currently no treatment that will completely cure ALS. Nurses have important roles and responsibilities in developing health behavior. Therefore, Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Model is used to systematically interpret the individual and create the care plan. This model identifies requirements in 11 functional areas. These patterns; health perception - health management, nutrition - metabolic status, excretion, movement - activity, sleep - rest, cognitive perception, self perception - self, role - relationship, sexuality - reproduction, coping - stress tolerance, belief - value. Professional nursing care is provided with evidence-based nursing interventions for patient-specific problems. This case report, which received palliative care, was conducted to evaluate the patient with ALS within the framework of Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Model and to prepare an evidence-based nursing care plan for the patient with NANDA nursing diagnoses. In our case, after the patient data was collected, the patient was evaluated in 11 functional areas, appropriate nursing diagnoses were determined, evidence-based nursing interventions were determined and the results were evaluated. Nursing diagnoses were determined: acute pain, unbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, constipation, risk of deterioration in skin integrity, ineffective airway cleaning, risk of infection, insomnia, impaired verbal communication. In conclusion; It has been determined that using Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Model, in which the data are evaluated systematically and the case is considered holistically, is useful for this case.