Dealing with Prejudices and Prejudices
Chapter from the book:
Health Sciences Research: Nursing & Midwifery- IV.
One of the most important reasons for the problems experienced in society is the situations that arise when people interpret events without sufficient knowledge and cause discrimination in relationships, daily life, business life and various socio-political environments. When we look at the theories about prejudice, there are views that basically look for prejudice in human situations and that prejudice can only develop in a weak character. Prejudice cannot be completely eliminated from people's minds and cultures, and not every person or group has the same susceptibility to prejudice and discrimination. Therefore, although prejudice and discrimination cannot be eliminated, they can be significantly reduced by understanding their causes and interventions such as redistributing jobs, incomes or improving housing. The process of dealing with prejudices must begin individually before turning to other areas in society. First of all, people need to accept that they have an unconscious bias, and there are various tests that can be applied to determine this. Understanding, recognizing, being aware and coping with unconscious bias is a skill, and this skill requires knowledge, experience, awareness and consciousness about bias.