Affordance Theory and Educational Affordances of Mobile Devices
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education - VI.
It has become almost impossible to think of a life independent from technology, especially from mobile technologies that are becoming smaller and lighter but constantly developing functionally. Efforts to employ these devices for educational purposes are also continuing. The benefits and threats that mobile technologies may/may not offer for education are still an open field of research. In this regard, this section utilizes the Affordance Theory to explain the positive or negative possibilities that mobile devices can offer for educational activities. In its most general definition, an affordance can be defined as the possibilities offered to a living being by the perceived or real properties of an object. However, there are different names and definitions of affordance in the literature. In this section, firstly, the affordance theory and its different definitions are presented, then the place of the theory in determining and explaining the educational affordances of mobile technologies is mentioned and a small compilation of the most cited studies in the literature is presented in a timeline.