Türkiye’de Halk Eğitimi Alanında Yapılan Önemli Girişimler
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education - VI.
Human beings have lived in a continuous process of learning and teaching, that is, education, in which they acquired the habit of getting to know the environment, experimenting, and transferring their accumulated experience and knowledge to their relatives. Public education means education for everyone, anytime, anywhere, under all circumstances and conditions. Public education is the education and training activities carried out in addition to school education, in order to increase the working power of citizens, raise their standard of living, and improve their national and humanitarian merits. During the period from the Ottoman Empire to the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, societies such as Cemiyet-i Tedrisiye-i İslamiye and Cemiyet-i İlmiye-i Osmaniye achieved significant success in the field of public education. The most important of the societies established in this period is Türk Ocakları. This society also pioneered many organizations such as the Community Centers established after it in the field of public education.