Using Manipulatives in Teaching Geometry
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education - VI.
In this study, manipulatives were first introduced. Subsequently, it is explained why concrete and virtual manipulatives are important and necessary in teaching geometry. Because, in line with the changing needs of societies and individuals, developments and innovations in learning-teaching approaches and the rapid change in science and technology have also directly affected the roles expected from individuals. This effect: it should lead to the training of individuals who can produce knowledge, use the knowledge they produce functionally in life and solve problems. With the aim of raising individuals with the specified qualifications, the curriculum has been transformed into a structure that aims at gaining skills, not transferring knowledge, and considering individual differences. Within the scope of this structure, it is stated that concrete manipulatives should be used in the teaching process of new concepts. When the mathematics curriculum in our country is examined in the context of the acquisitions that require the use of concrete and virtual manipulatives, it is seen that the acquisitions are mostly related to the field of geometry and measurement learning. In this context, it can be said that manipulatives should be included in the basis of a good geometry teaching. As a matter of fact, the use of mathematical models in learning mathematics includes the use of concrete and virtual manipulatives. Because the tools specific to mathematics include both physical and virtual manipulatives. For example, protractors, geometric solids, etc. During the geometry teaching, teaching should be started with concrete manipulatives, then the shape should be presented and then the teaching should be completed with the explanation of the abstract concept. In summary, the use of manipulatives, both concrete and virtual, is necessary and important in teaching geometry subjects. With this emphasis, the benefits of manipulatives and what needs to be done for their effective use are mentioned. Finally, relevant research has been included and trends regarding manipulative use have been tried to be revealed.