The Effect Of Creative Drama Supported Mathematical Modeling Activities On Students The 21st Century Skills And Attributes To Mathematics
Chapter from the book:
Current Research in Education - VI.
In this research, comprehensive department-based creative drama activities are examined in terms of 21st century learning and mathematics attitudes in the 6th grade. Liberating lesson plans by transforming learning units existing in the literature into creative drama activities. This research was carried out using a single-group pre-test-post-test weak experimental design, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The study group of the research consists of 12, 6th grade students studying at a public school in Erzurum. In this study, creative drama lesson plans prepared by the researcher were applied to the students. The data were obtained from the 21st century skills scale and the mathematics attitude scale and analyzes were made with the SPSS package program. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to analyze the data obtained from the study. As a result of the 21st century skill scale and mathematics attitude scale applied to the students, a significant difference was found in the 21st century skill sub-dimensions (cognitive, affective, sociocultural) and their attitudes towards mathematics. Although the students thought that mathematical modeling problems were very difficult, incomprehensible and unsolvable at the beginning, it was observed that they were able to produce solutions and comment as the problems progressed. In addition, it was observed that during the application process, the students passed the comprehension stage of mathematical modeling questions faster and they created models with more variables. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the creative drama method caused a positive change in students' attitudes towards 21st century skills and mathematics.