Adventure Recreation: Theories and Approaches
Adventure recreation is generally defined as the activities that are held in outdoor spaces and especially in nature; in addition, the participants of adventure recreation pursue curiosity, thrill, risk, satisfaction and flow and reuire domain-specific skills and knowledge.
Individuals travel for kilometers for these activities, dive the deepest oceans and/or climb the highest altitudes.
In this sense, scrutinizing the theories related to adventure activities, learning the concepts about the explanation of adventure activities, and knowing what these activities are have become very significant for each and every person studying in this field.
As known, the learning process accelerates when individuals get out of their comfort zone and get into an uncanny territory, and the mind starts to look for adventures when it is free of stress. In that sense, when a friends says…
It contains the conceptual and theoretical foundations of ADVENTURES, CURIOUSNESS, EXCITEMENT, and DISCOVERY.
This book, which was prepared to contribute to a significant gap in the literature, was also written to support nature-loving, adventurous individuals. We hope you enjoy reading it, hoping to avoid confusion of some concepts/theories.